=== Max Mega Menu Pro === Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 5.5 Requires PHP: 5.6 == Changelog == = 2.2.4 = * Fix: Do not attempt to resize SVG files when used as search icon or as a logo = 2.2.3 = * Improvement: Allow tab width to be defined in pixels * Improvement: Allow Search Replacement icon size to be defined using Custom Item Styling * Fix: Search icon when using Font Awesome 5 icon * Fix: Remove float from accordion sub menus * Fix: Apply third level menu item margins (as specified in theme editor) to tabbed sub menus = 2.2.2 = * Fix: Color picker = 2.2.1 = * Improvement: Add body classes when menu is stuck * Fix: SVG logos disappear when sticky menu height is enabled * Fix: When event is set to 'Hover', moving from a tabbed sub menu to a flyout menu prematurely closes the flyout menu * Fix: Account for the 'Hide on desktop/mobile' setting when deciding which tab content to show by default * Improvement: Restore default image swap image when sub menu is closed and reopened * Improvement: Automatically detect and, if enabled, use Font Awesome 5 Pro when the official Font Awesome plugin is installed * Improvement: Make it possible to add Font Awesome 5 Pro icons to the picker (using custom code) = 2.2 = * New Feature: Image Swap * New: Add 'Expand all' behaviour option to accordion menu * Fix: Unable to disable sticky "Expand Background" option once it has been enabled * Improvement: Improve error message when licence activation fails = 2.1.3 = * Fix: Accordion menus not respecting the 'Mobile Menu Behaviour' setting = 2.1.2 = * New: Add "Menu Toggle - Custom" toggle block * Fix: HTML editor for Replacements not loading in WordPress 5.5 = 2.1.1 = * Fix: Tabbed sub menus: Auto select the active/parent tab * Fix: Static search box on mobile, impossible to click on the search icon * Fix: PHP warning (logo size in admin) * Fix: Remove custom icon hover styling from mobile (active/toggle-on styling remains) * Fix: IE11 JavaScript Error * Fix: Only generate 2x custom icon size if source file is large enough to allow it * New: Add support for megamenu_scripts_in_footer filter = 2.1 = * New: Add sticky options to Menu Locations page * Update: Font Awesome to v5.13.0 * Improvement: Ensure the configured logo width and height match the aspect ratio of the source file * Improvement: Add 'mega-svg' class to SVG logos * Improvement: Styling fixes for WordPress 5.4 * Improvement: Add support for megamenu_javascript_handle filter * Improvement: Automatically select the 'Replacements' tab if a replacement is being used * Improvement: Automatically select the 'Tab content' tab if a tabbed sub menu is being used * Fix: Accordion arrow position * Fix: PHP 5.2 compatibility * Fix: Sticky menu behaviour when resizing window * Fix: Hover text decoration not applied when Icon Position is set to "Top" * Fix: Tab content positioning when sub menu effect is set to Slide and dynamic sub menu widths are being used = 2.0.1 = * Fix: PHP Warning * Fix: Fonts on tabbed sub menus when Font Family is set to "Theme Default" = 2.0 = * New Feature: Menu Item Badges * Improvement: Add megamenu_licence_key_field_type filter * Fix: Sticky menu logo transition when menu becomes unstuck (i.e. when user scrolls back to top of page) = 1.9.4 = * Fix: Smush Lazy load on Logo Toggle Block (use double quotes instead of single quotes for logo attributes) = 1.9.3 = * Fix: Static search box closes when page background is clicked = 1.9.2 = * Fix: Sticky Mobile Menu position in Vantage theme * Fix: Mobile Toggle search box padding * Fix: Mobile accordion menu when tabbed sub menus are used * Fix: Allow double quotes in custom font names * Fix: Sticky menu does not work when minification plugins strip zero value attributes * Fix: Hover transitions on custom icons * Fix: custom icon transition * Improvement: Refactor expanding search box JavaScript * Improvement: Close search box if page background is clicked * Improvement: Allow custom icons to only appear on hover * Improvement: Add title attribute to icon toggle blocks * Improvement: Add support for MEGAMENU_SCRIPTS_IN_FOOTER option = 1.9.1 = * Improvement: Add megamenu_accordion_parent_classes filter * Fix: Content below menu 'bounces' when unsticking menu = 1.9 = * Compatiblity with Max Mega Menu 2.7: Off canvas mobile menu when sticky menu and "Hide until scroll up" has been enabled * Compatiblity with Max Mega Menu 2.7: Tabbed sub menu height when "Collapse children" option has been enabled for sub menus within the tabs * Fix: Tabs border height when sub menu has top border * Fix: Style overrides (Font Weight) Do not apply "font-weight: normal" to :before icon * Fix: Sticky menu height when accordion sub menu is open and taller than the height of the window = 1.8 = * New: Add support for Font Awesome 5 * New: Add option to dequeue Font Awesome and Genericons * Improvment: Add title attributes to icons in icon selector * Improvement: Use core version of CodeMirror * Fix: Tab focus on search replacement * Fix: Ensure custom icons are centrally positioned within sub menus on mobile * Fix: Open search toggle block on focus * Fix: Add width: auto to logo toggle block images * Fix: HTML replacement when Replacement HTML is exactly equal to the Menu Item Title * Change: Use 'wp_get_attachment_url' (instead of wp_upload_dir) to get custom icon URLs = 1.7.1 = * New: "Sticky on desktop" option added, making it possible to have a sticky menu on mobile only * New: "Sticky: Expand on Mobile" option added, making it possible to differentiate between desktop and mobile when expanding the sticky menu * Improvement: Validate logo width and height settings * Fix: Allow shortcodes in Search toggle block placeholder * Fix: Account for top and bottom border widths when setting heights for tabbed sub menus * Fix: Output "Title Attribute" field on logo menu items * Fix: Hide arrow on accordion menus, when sub menu is open * Fix: Style overrides: Apply hover styling to 'mega-current-page-ancestor' items * Fix: Transition sticky menu height when menu becomes unstuck * Fix: Style overrides: Apply icon hover color when sub menu is open * Improvement: Update plugin updater class = 1.7 = Update Instructions: Update Max Mega Menu (free) to v2.5+. Update Max Mega Menu Pro. Go to Mega Menu > Tools and Clear the CSS Cache. * New: Make arrow indicators clickable on Accordion menus * Change: Apply sticky "hide until scroll up" option to mobile menus (only when the mobile menu is collapsed) * Improvement: Validate custom styling options - make sure text inputs are valid before submitting form * Fix: "Hide arrow" on tab menu items not working * Fix: Tab menu heights when using jQuery selector to set sub menu width * Fix: Ensure menu theme CSS can still compile even when leaving toggle block options empty * Fix: Elementor header builder fails to load when using WooCommerce replacement type/shortcode * Fix: Auto expand accordion sub menus when menu item has 'mega-current-menu-parent' class * Fix: Do not apply 600px default sub menu width on vertical menus on mobile = 1.6.6 = * Fix: Mobile menu jumping when sticky and expand background is set to false * Fix: PHP Notice when roles restriction has been set to "By Role" but no roles have been selected * Fix: Tab positioning when mega menu sub menu inner width has been set to a jQuery/CSS selector * Fix: Accessibility: Add aria-label attribute to search replacement & search toggle block * Fix: Change the default value of the logo toggle block max height to 40ox (instead of 100%) * Fix: Adjustments to tabbed menu JavaScript * Improvement: Use set_url_scheme() on logo block URL to work around incorrectly configured databases when site has switched to use HTTPS * Improvement: Remove reference to Toggle Block IDs in CSS, only use the toggle block class * Improvement: Update list of Google Fonts * Improvement: Styling for search replacement in vertical/accordion menus updated * Change: Stick menu on document.load() rather than document.ready() (to allow dashicons to load before sticking the menu) = 1.6.5 = * Fix: Potential residual styling on search toggle block * Fix: Media File Selector missing from logo/icon toggle block * Fix: Only apply srcset to logo images if 2x size exists * Improvement: Sticky menu: Add Support for "Bottom Admin Bar" plugin * Improvement: Only submit search form when text is entered into the search field (static search) * Improvement: For clarity, hide "Hide Until Search Up" related sticky options until "Hide Until Search Up" option has been selected = 1.6.4 = * Fix: JavaScript error/incompatiblity with the HTML Editor in the "Replacements" tab. Introduced due to an update in core WordPress 4.9. * Fix: Style override font color when sub menu is open * Fix: Add WPML language input to search form * Fix: Logo max height in mobile menu * Fix: Stop vertical sticky menus from covering page content and making links/text inaccessible * Fix: Stop "hide until scroll up" sticky functionality being applied to mobile menu * Fix: Roles: Remove sub menu arrow indicator when children have been removed from the menu due to role restrictions * Fix: Replace jQuery 'live' with 'on' * New: Custom Icon Size for mobile menu setting added * New: Sticky menu height option in theme editor * New: Search replacement search icon can now be selected from the menu item icon screen * New: Enable Grid Layout for tabbed sub menus (requires Max Mega Menu 2.4) * Improvement: Allow shortcodes in toggle block logo URL * Improvement: Add 2x retina support for logo images = 1.6.3 = * Fix: Sub menu width override on vertical menus * Fix: Sticky item option not saving * Fix: Custom icon hover option not applied when sub menu is opened * Fix: Mobile sub menu indicator for hidden tabbed sub menus * Fix: Style overrides - icon hover color when "Highlight active item" is enabled * Fix: WooCommerce cart count doesn't show tax when "Display Prices During Cart and Checkout" is set to "Including tax" * Fix: Hide on Mobile & Desktop for Vertical Menus * Fix: PHP warning on tabbed menus * Improvement: Add Text Align option to Style Overrides * Improvement: Add "Open link in new window" options to logo and icon toggle blocks * New: Add BuddyPress Avatar and Notification Count replacement options * Update: FontAwesome 4.7 = = * Fix: Background color of tabbed menu items in mobile menu = 1.6.2 = * Fix: Clearing menu items in tabbed sub menus * Fix: Mobile menu background color = 1.6.1 = * Improvement: Add Text Decoration, Text Decoration (Hover) and Font Weight (Hover) options to Style Overrides * Improvement: Add Hover option for Custom Icons = 1.6 = * New Feature: Tabbed Mega Menus * New Feature: Add "Hide until scroll up" option for sticky menus * Fix: Accordion and Vertical menu item height when menu text wraps onto 2 lines * Change: Center align custom icons when icon position is set to "Top" * Fix: Static search box placeholder text disappears if window.resize() is called * Improvement: Mobile search toggle block styling * Improvement: Add vertical offset option to search toggle block = 1.5.3 = Note: If you are using the Tabbed Mega Menu (Beta) Functionality in Pro, please also update Max Mega Menu (free) to v2.3.1+ * New feature: Search replacement and search toggle block: Add option to use WooCommerce search results template * New feature: Replacements: Add [maxmegamenu_logout_url] shortcode to generate a dynamic logout link * New feature: Replacements: Add [maxmegamenu_user_info] shortcode to display user information (first name, last name etc) * New feature: Replacements: Add [maxmegamenu_user_gravatar] shortcode to display a users gravatar * Improvement: Add 'Hide when sticky' and 'Show when sticky' options per menu item * Improvement: Add 'megamenu_google_fonts_url' filter = 1.5.2 = * Change: Leave the licence input field active/editable when the licence is activated * Fix: Add alt text to Logo toggle block * Fix: Update sticky menu z-index so that it sits below the WordPress admin bar (if logged in) * Fix: Sticky menu positioning when max-width has been applied to the inner menu * Fix: Mobile search block placeholder text * Improvement: Add megamenu_search_replacement_html filter * Improvement: Add megamenu_search_inputs filter * Improvement: Add Exo 2 Google Font = 1.5.1 = * Fix: Search box loses focus when mobile menu is stuck * Fix: Panel Background color not working in Theme Editor = 1.5 = * New Feature: Allow multiple menus to be stuck (move Sticky Menu settings to Appearance > Menus) * New Feature: 'Expand background' sticky option * Experimental Feature: Tabbed mega menus * Fix: Menu Item Divider on Accordion Menus * Fix: Sub Menu Width style override when the default sub menu width is set using a jQuery selector * Fix: PHP Warning when no editable roles are present * Fix: Remove automatic focus from search toggle to stop keyboard appearing and disappearing on mobile * Improvement: Add 'megamenu_search_var' and 'megamenu_search_action' filters * Improvement: Menu Item Height option to style overrides * Improvement: Menu Item Margin Top/Bottom options added to style overrides * Improvement: Menu Item Padding Top/Bottom options added to style overrides * Improvement: Add FontAwesome icons as options to icon toggle block * Improvement: Search Replacement: Add 'Width' option * Improvement: Search Replacement: Improve icon positioning in both mobile & desktop * Improvement: Search Replacement: Add 'Vertical Offset' option for fine tuning vertical alignment * Change: Rename 'data-sticky' attribute to 'data-sticky-enabled' to avoid conflict with Shopify plugin = 1.4.5 = * Change: Load javascript in footer * Improvement: Add icon color and icon color (hover) options to style overrides * New feature: Accessibility: Open search box when tabbed to * Improvement: Menu Logo replacement now respects menu item 'Open link in new tab/window' option = 1.4.4 = * Fix: "select()" function echoing output (breaking mega menu builder on some installations) = 1.4.3 = * New Feature: Accordion Menu sub menu visibility option added (keep sub menus of active parents open) * Improvement: Add Font Weight option to style overrides * Improvement: Add Font Text Transform option to style overrides * Change: Add role='search' to search form (for compatibility with BuddyPress Global Search) * Fix: Change Toggle Block HTML input to textarea * Fix: HTML Toggle block HTML escaping * Fix: Use full size image for Logo toggle block = 1.4.2 = * Change: Update URL changed to https to avoid SSL verification errors on some servers = 1.4.1 = * Fix: Class not exists error when Mega Menu is not installed = 1.4 = * New Feature: "Logo / Image" mobile toggle block * New Feature: "HTML" mobile toggle block * New Feature: "Search Box" mobile toggle block * New Feature: "Icon" mobile toggle block * Fix: Logo Width/Height = 1.3.13 = * Improvement: Add Sub Menu - Vertical Offset and Sub Menu - Horizontal Offset settings to custom item styling * Fix: Use max-height: none; for logo menu items * Fix: Clear search inbox text on page load * Fix: $custom_icon SCSS variable does not exist * Improvement: Add alt text to logo items * Fix: Round up sticky menu inner width * Change: Allow flyout menu item background color to be changed per menu item * Fix: Max Mega Menu installation check = 1.3.12 = * Fix: PHP Warnings = 1.3.11 = * Update: FontAwesome from 4.3 to 4.5 * Improvement: Add support for Retina custom icons * Fix: Check Mega_Menu_Style_Manager class exists before attempting to load = 1.3.10 = * Fix: Use protocol relative URLs for custom icons in CSS output * Fix: Sticky on mobile setting * Fix: Logo URL now points to custom menu item URL, instead of being hard coded to homepage * Fix: Sticky menu when the wrapper has a max-width set on it * Fix: Keep Accordion open when menu item has 'mega-current-menu-ancestor' class * Fix: Apply menu item divider setting to vertical menus * Improvement: Intelligently enqueue Google fonts * Improvement: Standarise media file selection for logos and custom styling background images * Improvement: Activate max mega menu when activate link is clicked (instead of taking user to plugins page) * Improvement: Use h3 instead of h4 for font title = 1.3.9 = * Improvement: Sub Menu - Background Color added to Style Override options * Fix: Static search box markup * New feature: Accordion style vertical menus * Improvement: Add 'Expand to Right' search box option * Fix: Sub menu panel width override CSS * Improvement: Add sticky menu offset setting = 1.3.8 = * Fix: Allow Replacements option to save script tags * Fix: PHP Warning = 1.3.7 = * Fix sticky menu pixel rounding width issue * Fix licence activation/deactivation redirect * Fix conflict with MaxButtons = 1.3.6 = * Add sub menu background image options to Custom Styling * Fix Logo Replacement styling = 1.3.5 = * Add "Sticky on mobile" setting * Add Border Width and Border Radius style override options * Fix: Apply menu item spacing styling option to vertical menus = 1.3.4 = * Remove item highlighting from menu logo * Add replacements for EDD Cart Total / Quantity * Add replacements for WooCommerce Cart Total / Quantity * Add default expanded state setting to Search replacement type = 1.3.3 = * Add border color to style overrides * Update licence verification URL = 1.3.2 = * Fix: Search box mobile styling = 1.3.1 = * Fix: Vertical Menu top level menu items width = 1.3 = * New Feature: "Replacements" - Replace a menu item with something else: a logo, a search box, custom HTML or a shortcode * Fix: Conflicts with TGMPA * Fix: Custom Icon selection when image size is < 150x150 = 1.2 = * New Feature: Vertical Menu support = 1.1.2 (internal) = * Fix: Licence activation conflict with Formidable Pro * Update: Tidy up licence activation methods = 1.1.1 = * Fix: Update notifications = 1.1 = * Fix: Reduce timeout from 15 seconds to 5 seconds when attempting to retrieve details of plugin updates * New feature: Add icon size, font size, menu item padding (left/right), menu item margin (left/right) to styling tab * Fix: Rename custom styling SCSS variables to avoid conflicts * New Feature: "Fade Up" effect = 1.0.1 = * Fix custom icon tab styling in FireFox = 1.0 = * Initial Release