=== External Links in New Window / New Tab === Contributors: WebFactory Tags: links, external links, target blank, new window, new tab, target new, blank window, blank tab, tabs, SEO Requires at least: 4.0 Requires PHP: 5.2 Tested up to: 6.1 Stable tag: 1.44 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Open external links in a new window or new tab. SEO optimized and XHTML Strict compliant. == Description == Opens external links in a new tab or a or new window. You can set URLs that should either be forced to open in a new window or ignored. The plugin produces XHTML Strict compliant code and is search engine optimized (SEO). This is done using JavaScript's `window.open()`-function. It adds only a few lines of vanilla JavaScript to the page, and does not require any external libraries like jQuery. Most other plugins perform a hack by altering the `target` parameter (i.e. ``). That method is not XHTML Strict compliant. This plugin handles the links client-side, which lets search engines follow the links properly. Also, if a browser does not support JavaScript, the plugin is simply inactive, and does not result in any errors. If you need a more advanced plugin, with more options try our free WP External Links plugin. **Credits** Inspired by the [Zap_NewWindow](http://www.zappelfillip.de/2005-12-05/zap_newwindow/) plugin by [Tom Köhler](http://www.zappelfillip.de/ "His website is mostly in German"). The banner is a [photo](http://www.flickr.com/photos/monja/1367946568/in/photostream/) by [Monja Da Riva](http://www.monja.it/). **Translations** Danish by [Kristian Risager Larsen](https://kristianrisagerlarsen.dk) Dutch by [Paul Staring](http://www.collectief-it.nl/) Lithuanian by [Vincent G](http://Host1Free.com) Other translations will be appreciated! **Known bugs** The plugin conflicts with other plugins that change the links' `onClick´ attribute. **Original developer** Kristian Risager Larsen - kezze.dk == Installation == 1. Copy the plugin to /wp-content/plugins/ 1. Activate the plugin. 1. Eventually, change the settings in Settings->External Links. == Screenshots == 1. External links settings == Changelog == = 1.44 = * 2022-11-22 * minor security fixes = 1.43 = * 2022-05-06 * security fix reported by Automattic = 1.42 = * 2021-01-30 * added flyout menu = 1.41 = * 2020-10-21 * minor update = 1.4 = * 2019-08-26 * WebFactory took over development * minor fixes * 40,000 installs; 178,750 downloads = 1.3.3 = Verified compatibility with WordPress 5.0 = 1.3.2 = Updated: Danish translation = 1.3.1 = Verified compatibility with WordPress 4.0 Added: Plugin logo for WordPress 4.0 Added: Dutch translation. = 1.3 = Added: Possibility to force and ignore user-defined strings in URLs. This feature has been requested. Added: Lithuanian and Danish translation. = 1.2 = Added: Translation-ready. = 1.1.1 = Fixed: Deprecation warning (Thanks to [boo1865](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-open-external-links-in-a-new-window-doesnt-work?replies=2#post-2152292)) = 1.1.0 = Changed: Better practice for opening links. The plugin now uses the onClick-attribute instead of writing JavaScript directly into the href-attribute. This enables users to right-click the link and open in a new window/tab, save the target etc. = 1.0.1 = Fixed: Removes target attribute from links instead of setting the attribute to null. (Thanks to [crashnet](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-open-external-links-in-a-new-window-target-attribute-left-empty?replies=2#post-1813522)) = 1.0 = Fixed: Credits to Tom Köhler (Charset). Fixed: Links. = 0.9 = Initial release. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.3.1 = Wordpress 4.0-compatibility, and Dutch translation. = 1.3 = In Settings->External links, you can now specify URL's that should be either forced to open in a new window, or ignored. = 1.2 = Added: Translation-ready. = 1.1.1 = Fixed: Deprecation warning. = 1.1.0 = Better practice for opening links. Please upgrade. = 1.0.1 = Minor bugfix. = 1.0 = Ready for production. = 0.9 = Initial release