Recycling Central-Hosted by Hammonton Education Foundation

Mt. Carmel Carnival Grounds 3rd and French Streets, Hammonton

Recycling Central will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Sept. 18, at the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel grounds at Third and French streets. A mobile unit from DocuVault Delaware Valley will provide document shredding and computer hard drive destruction. Other participating organizations will collect prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses (no cases), hearing aids, cell phones, folding chairs in good condition, clean plastic buckets with lids, beach towels in good condition, yoga mats, unused/expired medications and books intended for babies to teens. For more information, send a message to our inbox or call Kevin at (609) 703-6017.

Town Wide Yard Sale

The annual town wide yard sale will be held on September 18th. For more information, visit:   Yard Sale Registration Form-September 2021 Yard Sale Flyer-September 2021