Town Wide Leaf Collection Begins

You rake’em, we take’em! Collection operations will cycle through the Town of Hammonton beginning October 21st through December 29th. Pick-up will usually take place on or around your regular trash day. Inclement weather and holidays will set back collections so please be patient with the Public Works Department. Piles must be free of foreign objects, such as metal or tree limbs, to keep our staff safe and protect equipment. Keep piles away from storm drains and low hanging trees. Questions or concerns? Web: Email: Call: 609-567-4336

Ancient Greece Lego Class: Hammonton Family Success Center

Hammonton Family Success Center 310 Bellevue Ave, Hammonton

Lego Class: Ancient Greece Location: Hammonton Family Success Center 310 Bellevue Avenue Hammonton, NJ 08037 About: Come join us for a fun and creative afternoon where you can learn all about Ancient Greece through building Lego sets. This event is perfect for kids who love history and enjoy playing with Legos. Date: Mon Oct 7th, 14th, 21st & 28t Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Register: CLICK HERE Call: 609-567-2900