Hammonton Historic Preservation Guided Tour

Eagle Theatre 208 Vine Street, Hammonton, NJ, United States

The Hammonton Historic Preservation Commission leads guided walking tours throughout the spring, summer and fall, March through November. All participants will meet at the Eagle Theatre at 208 Vine St at 1 p.m. sharp. The tour includes stops in both the historic commercial and historic residential districts of Downtown Hammonton every first Saturday of the month, weather permitting. A $10 donation will support the Historical Society of Hammonton. Children under 18 are free.

Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting

Parks & Recreation meetings are open to the public and take place on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are held at Hammonton Town Hall council chambers. Adam Monacelli Parks & Recreation Director Phone: 609-567-4300 Ext. 103 Email: amonacelli@townofhammonton.org Town Hall, Clerk’s Office, 3rd floor 100 Central Ave., Hammonton, NJ 08037 Parks & Recreation Board Members Lou Cappuccio, Chairman Paul Ordille James Borda John Iacovelli Sam Rodio, Jr. Bill Parkhurst Shawn McCloud Steven Furgione, Councilman Sam Rodio, Councilman John Scianni Alberta Eppler, Secretary Email: info@townofhammonton.org

Family Game Night & Hammonton High School Art Show

Hammonton High School 566 Old Forks Road, Hammonton, NJ, United States

Save the date and join us for a great event on Wednesday, April 17: Family Game Night and the HHS Art Show!

Hammonton Lions Club Spring-Fest

READ Preschool 400 S Chew Rd, Hammonton, United States

Activities include a DJ, bounce houses for a variety of ages, the prize wheel, flower bulb planting, face painting, bird house decorating, visiting Funny Farm animals, MMA activities, bikes and scooters, playgrounds, baskets and gift certificates raffle for kids and adults! Each basket has a worth of no less than $150 value and some valued at $350!) an art raffle (value is priceless!), a raffle for an Apple Watch ($500 value!), food trucks, snacks from the Hammonton Drug Alliance, a demo by the fire department, Mr. Softee, soft pretzels and more! Please come help us make a difference in the lives [...]

Free English as a Second Language Classes at Con-Vivir Wellness Hub

Con-Vivir Wellness Hub 100 S Second St, Hammonton

We're thrilled to announce that we've enhanced our ESL curriculum to better meet the needs of our community. Join us for an enriching 8-week course starting April 16. Would you like to enhance your English speaking, writing, and reading skills? Come participate in our in-person English as a Second Language classes at our Con-Vivir Wellness Hub in Hammonton, NJ, located at 100 S. Second St. Hammonton, NJ 08037. Best of all, these classes are FREE! Classes will be held on: Mondays: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.If you have any questions, feel free to reach [...]

Free Art Classes for Teens at Con-Vivir Wellness Hub

Con-Vivir Wellness Hub 100 S Second St, Hammonton

Afterschool program exclusively designed for teenagers! Tuesdays 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Here, teens will have the chance to unleash their creativity and free themselves through the power of art, which is incredibly beneficial for your teen's mental health. ​Art provides a therapeutic outlet for self-expression, helping teens navigate their emotions and develop coping skills. Join us as we embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and growth. Con-Vivir Wellness Hub 100 S. Second St., Hammonton, NJ 08037 Questions? Call 609-878-2007.