Adam Monacelli
Parks & Recreation Director
Phone: 609-567-4300 Ext. 103

Bill Deininger
Parks & Recreation Field Supervisor
Phone: 609-377-0677

Town Hall, Clerk’s office, 3rd floor
100 Central Avenue
Hammonton, NJ 08037

Parks & Recreation

Board Members

Lou Cappuccio, Chairman
Paul Ordille
James Borda
John Iacovelli
Sam Rodio, Jr.
Bill Parkhurst
Shawn McCloud
Steven Furgione, Councilman
Sam Rodio, Councilman
John Scianni
Alberta Eppler, Secretary


Follow the Town of Hammonton on Facebook and Instagram.

Hammonton Parks and Recreation

Parks & Recreation meetings are open to the public and take place on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are held at Hammonton Town Hall council chambers.

All Municipal Parks are open. Visitors may utilize open space at our parks to enjoy our recreation facilities for walking, biking, hiking, fishing, canoeing, and kayaking at Hammonton Lake Park.

UOF Application

If you wish to reserve one of Hammonton’s outdoor park facilities or properties, please return a completed Use of Facility (UOF) application to the Parks and Recreation Director 21 days prior to the date of your event. All requests are reviewed monthly at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting.

Email UOF to: Adam Monacelli Form can also be dropped off at the Municipal Clerk’s office, 3rd floor, Town Hall.

Certificate of Insurance (COI): Some applicants may be required to provide proof of insurance for certain events, uses and organized sports activities and this requirement is at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Director, Municipal Clerk and Risk Management Consultant.

  • The restrooms at Hammonton Lake Park are open from dawn to dusk between April and November.
  • The tennis/pickleball courts on Liberty Street are open for free play.

For more information about reserving a Town of Hammonton municipally owned property, court or field, please call 609-567-4300.

Youth Athletic Clubs • Recreation Insurance Form

Hammonton is proud of its many youth sports organizations. With the guidance and support of volunteer coaches and families, our young athletes have many opportunities to maximize their skills and learn sportsmanship. Below is the Recreation Insurance Form that should be filled out and returned to the Parks and Recreation Department located at Town Hall, 3rd floor Municipal Clerk’s Office.

For the enjoyment and respect of all in attendance during any sports event, your cooperation in demonstrating Hammonton’s high ideals of sportsmanship is expected and greatly appreciated.

Dog License • Dog Park Information

Hammonton Dog License Information:

Dogs seven months of age or older must be licensed annually through the Municipal Clerk’s office located on the 3rd floor at Town Hall, 100 Central Ave., Hammonton, N.J. 08037. The owner must present proof that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian, and that its immunity will extend through at least ten months of the twelve-month license period. Vaccination certificate must show date of rabies expiration. New Jersey requires all dogs to be licensed and inoculated against rabies.

  • Spayed/Neutered 1-year license: $17.00
  • Non-Spayed/Neutered 1-year license: $20.00
  • Spayed/Neutered 3-year license: $30.00
  • Non-Spayed/Neutered 3-year license: $39.00

Hammonton Dog Park Information:

Key fobs are required to enter the Hammonton Dog Park. You must license your dog with the Hammonton Clerk’s office if you reside in town. Out-of-town residents can register to receive a 1-year key fob for $25.00 and must show proof of rabies vaccination and a current dog license from the municipality in which they reside.

Any Hammonton resident who has purchased a dog license from the Hammonton Municipal Clerk’s office for their dog upon providing proof of rabies inoculation and who has signed the required Hold Harmless/Dog Park Agreement, shall be issued a key fob, at no extra cost, to gain entry to the park. Key fobs are free with the purchase of a 1 or 3-year dog license.

The Hammonton Dog Park, open from dawn to dusk, is located within Moss Mill Park, 1137 Moss Mill Rd., Hammonton, N.J. 08037. To locate the park, drive approximately 200 yards past the St. Joseph Academy/Hammonton Youth Soccer Association turf field sports stadium. The fenced-in area includes a large dog park and a small dog park, both have running water during spring and summer months.

Payment of cash, credit card ($3 fee) or check accepted. Please make check payable to Town of Hammonton. You may also email documents and credit card info to

Why you need to get your dog licensed:

Dog ownership comes with plenty of responsibilities, and making sure you get your new family member licensed in Hammonton is one of them.

While most dog owners are quick to get their dogs microchipped, many of them are either unaware or choose to neglect dog license requirements. However, failing to do so can have some unfortunate consequences — namely, getting fined or even having a hard time getting your four-legged friend out of the pound.

You’re probably thinking, “But doesn’t a microchip serve the same purpose? What about a dog tag with my address and phone number on it?” While these are fair questions, it’s important to understand that neither a microchip nor an address tag is actually sole proof of ownership. They also don’t provide the same amount of information a pet license does.

It’s the law:

Not only does your dog need to have a license, but that license must be renewed either yearly or every three years. Your pet also has to be wearing it at all times.

It’ll go a long way with a lost dog:

Dealing with a lost pet is incredibly stressful. Having an official dog license will drastically improve your chances of getting them back — especially from your local shelter. Licensing is absolute proof of pet ownership and is designed to assist animal control, shelters and other organizations to quickly identify your dog and ensure you get it back safely.

It should be noted that licensed dogs are usually kept at the shelter longer than unlicensed dogs. Once again, this is because a dog license is legitimate proof of ownership, which means shelters are obligated to do everything they can to get hold of you.

If your pup is unlicensed and brought to the shelter, it’ll likely be considered a stray, which means you run the risk of it being euthanized or adopted by someone else.

It’s proof your dog is healthy:

A dog can’t be licensed unless it’s been properly vaccinated. Most grooming salons, boarding facilities and other dog care services won’t provide their services to you unless there’s proof that your dog is healthy and up to date on its shots. Licensing your dog also lets the general public know your dog is safe and healthy. More importantly, it lets everyone know your pup doesn’t have rabies.

Licensing fees help support many animal shelters:

The annual licensing fee for your dog goes towards keeping the shelters running and supports the work done by local animal control. Municipal licensing clerks collect the following additional fees when the dog is licensed: $1.00 for each dog licensed that is forwarded to the DHSS and placed in the Rabies Trust Fund to support State rabies and animal control programs, $3.00 for unneutered dogs that is forwarded to the DHSS, Animal Population Control Program to fund the New Jersey low cost spay and neuter program, and $0.20 for each dog licensed that is forwarded to the DHSS to defray the costs of operating The People for Animals, Inc.

For more information about obtaining a dog license or accessing the Hammonton Dog Park call the Clerk’s Office at 609-567-4300. Hours: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Hammonton Lake Park Conceptual Master Plan

Mayor Steve DiDonato and Hammonton Town Council, along with the Parks & Recreation Commission, initiated a master planning process for Hammonton Lake Park. The goal is to identify unique characteristics of the Lake Park recreation and open space system, accommodate the needs of current residents and respond to the future needs of our community. The master planning process is a collaborative approach that incorporates town staff and experts as well as local knowledge and institutional history that only the members of our community can provide.

Taylor Design Group, a design firm specializing in landscape design and planning, is actively working with the town to propose improvements to our Lake Park. The Town’s Engineer, ARH Associates (Adams, Rehmann & Heggan) is also actively involved, along with the grant writing firm, Triad Associates, and various committees, commissions, groups, Town officials and volunteers.

Proposed Inclusive Playground at Hammonton Lake Park

The Town of Hammonton is seeking funding through the State of NJ Green Acres Program for improvements at Hammonton Lake Park. For more information, click HERE.

Hammonton Recreation Organizations

Hammonton Bulldogs Basketball
Contact: Tony Quigley
Phone: 609-369-8626
Follow: Facebook

Hammonton Hawks Football
Contact: Russell Dustman
Phone: 609-947-4062

Hammonton Hawks Cheerleading
Contact: Michelle Allison
Phone: 609-517-8890
Email: Click Here

Hammonton Youth
Soccer Association HYSA
Contact: Antonio Illiano
Email: Click Here
Follow: Facebook

Hammonton Little League
Contact: Brandon Watson
Phone: 609-929-4781
Follow: Facebook

Hammonton Stick Chix
Field Hockey
Contact: Tricia Donio
Phone: 609-839-0743
Follow: Instagram & Facebook

Hammonton Stingrays Swim Team
115 Berwyn Avenue
Hammonton, NJ 08037
Shawn McCloud

Wrestling Club
Contact: Vic Walters
Follow: Facebook

Girl Scouts
Contact: Kristin Ezzi
Phone: 609-922-9191
Email: Click here

Contact: Christine Besser
Phone: 609-670-2725
Email: Click here

Hammonton Swim Club
Facebook Page

Hammonton Towne Drama
Contact: Jenna DeLuca, President
Phone: 609-470-9227
Email: Click Here
Follow: Facebook

Hammonton Canoe Club Seniors 50+
Phone: 609-567-4341
Follow: Facebook

Atlantic County Senior Center
310 Bellevue Ave.
Hammonton, NJ 08037
Phone: 609-625-7000 x6537
Email: Click here