Chief of Police
Kevin J. Friel
Location: 100 Central Ave. Hammonton, N.J.
The Police Department Communication Center is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The Communications Center is equipped with a enhanced 9-1-1 computer system. Your name, address, telephone number and other details are displayed when a 9-1-1 call is made even if you hang up before the call is answered.
Cellular 9-1-1 calls go to the police department closest to where you are calling from.
Hammonton Police Department
Report Confidential Tips and Information Phone: 609-567-4300 Ext. 237
On the Police portal, you will be able to view the crime map, report an incident or crime, view road closures, request an accident report, and much more.
Accident Reports take 5 to 7 business days from the date of the accident to be available for pick up.
Public Records Fees Pursuant to NJSA 47:1A-1:
All Pages $.05 per page for letter size
All Pages $.07 per page for legal size
- Request for Report not made in person and made by mail, shall be assessed an additional fee of $5.00
- An additional fee for the price of postage will be added to the final cost unless a self-address stamped envelope is received with your request.
For Background Checks come in person to the Records Office during normal business hours with your identification.
Concealed Carry Permits are now completed online @ Concealed Carry Permits (njportal.com)
Application for Permit to Carry a Handgun
Service Information
The Concealed Carry Permits service allows for online submission of both initial and renewal applications. Approved applications are due for renewal every two (2) years. Renewal applications can be submitted up to four (4) months before the expiration date. Concealed Carry Permit applicants need to have been fingerprinted for firearms purposes in New Jersey and assigned an SBI number before they can apply for a Concealed Carry Permit. If you have never been fingerprinted for firearms purposes in New Jersey before, start with an application for an Initial Firearms I.D. card here.
You can find the Permit to Carry Safe Handling and Proficiency Certification and Use of Force Training document on the NJSP website here. If you have lived outside of the state of New Jersey in the last ten (10) years, please fill out form SP-066 (Consent for Mental Health Records) and upload it to your application.
What will I need for submitting an Initial Concealed Carry Permit application?
· SBI Number
· Upload of recent photograph (on a light background including head and shoulders)
· One (1) training record completed within the past two (2) years, instructor name, and qualification date
· Personal Information: including Social Security Number and Driver’s License Number
· Background Information
· For Armored Car Applicants: Uploaded Employment Letter
· Contact Information for four (4) non-family related references
· Information on handguns to be carried
· $200 Application Fee
· Read and Understand the updated Qualifications requirements attached:
Public Records Fees Pursuant to NJSA 47:1A-1:
Pages 1-10 $.75 per page
Pages 11-20 $.50 per page
Pages 21 and over $.25 per page
The fee for discovery will be in accordance with NJ State Law and Hammonton Ordinance Number 30-2004.
would like to inform you of the new process for obtaining
Step 1:Visit the website. You must enter the site address as follows:
Step 2:When you log on you must enter the Hammonton Police Department ORI#: NJ0011300
Step 3:Complete the online application. You must complete the application using a smart phone, mobile device, laptop or desktop computer.
When deciding how many permits you would like to get, remember:
a. ONE permit is required for each handgun you wish to purchase (each permit is $25.00);
b. You can purchase 1 handgun in a 30 day period;
c. Permits are good for up to 180 days (with renewal after 90 days);
d. If you decide you want another handgun permit and you didn’t get more than one initially, you will need to apply again;
Step 4:You will need to submit payment at the Police Department for your permits and, if applicable, the Firearms ID card. Permits to Purchase handguns are $25.00 for each permit, and $50.00 for the initial ID card no fee for duplicate.
You will be receiving automated email updates throughout this new process.
Once your application is complete, someone from the Hammonton Police Department will contact you to retrieve your FID card and/or pistol permit documents.
Please advise your references that the FARS system will email them the reference questions to be answered. Your references can complete the questions using a smart phone, mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer. Please advise them to complete the questions immediately to progress your background investigation.
The on-line application is applicant driven. Please ensure that you have entered the best phone numbers for yourself and references as well as the best email addresses for yourself and references.
The New Jersey State Police website provides information on New Jersey firearms laws, transportation of firearms and frequently asked questions. The site can be found by following this link:
Temporary and Permanent Handicapped Placards
The Chief of
Police may issue temporary handicapped parking placards for individuals that
meet certain qualifications. Placards issued by the Chief of Police are valid
for a period of not more than six months. For needs that exceed this period you
must contact the New Jersey Motor Vehicle
1. Pick up material
at the Office of Chief of Police. You must complete the form that you have
provided along with your healthcare professional, according to the
guidelines contained on the form. When the form is complete, return it to the
Chief of Police Office. You must also bring with you and submit a check or money
order for $4.00 US Dollars payable to NJ Motor Vehicle Commission.
The Chief’s Office will review your application and issue a temporary placard,
if appropriate.
3. Permanent Placard forms may be picked up at the
Office of Police wherein same is to be filled out by handicapped and healthcare
professional and mailed to Motor Vehicle Commission, Special Plate Unit in
Trenton, NJ (1-888-486-3339).
Lieutenant Thomas Percodani
Phone: (609)561-4000 ext. 241
The detective bureau handles all investigations, major crimes,
narcotics, licensing and firearms registration.
In an effort to make the police department more accessible to the communities residents, citizens
may now contact the Hammonton Police Department by way of email phone or text with
questions or concerns about public safety. The new email address
hammontonpolicetipline@gmail.com or phone message/text @ (609) 878-8005 maybe
used to report criminal/suspicious activities; for questions about public
safety; and to provide information to assist the police on keeping the town of
Hammonton a safe community. These tips may be sent anonymously. Any information will be kept confidential with the police.
Phone: (609) 567-4300 Ext. #2
FAX: (609) 567-2454
Location: 100 Central Ave. Hammonton New Jersey- 2nd Floor
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 9:00am to 4:30pm
Accident Reports, Investigation Reports, Operation Reports, Incident Reports.
Municipal Parking Permits are also provided at no charge – you must bring a drivers license, copy of lease, copy insurance, and copy of registration.
Fingerprinting is done on Wednesdays for individuals who have their own cards for a fee of $10.00. All others must make an appointment with the State Vendor:
or on the internet: www.bioapplicant.com/nj
Depending on the information requested an Open Public Records form may be
Public Records Fees Pursuant to NJSA
All Pages $.05 per page for letter size
All Pages
$.07 per page for legal size
The Town of Hammonton is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
The Hammonton Police Department is asking local business owners for their assistance in keeping our town safe. We need your help in catching criminals and that’s why we are initiating a system called S.P.O.T. (Surveillance Protects Our Town). S.P.O.T. is a program where our businesses can register their surveillance cameras allowing us to have knowledge of their location(s). Even though we will not have access to any live and/or direct feeds, this will assist us with investigations, identifying suspects, and locating evidence. Being able to have access to these cameras would greatly help our departments mission as well protect the residents of Hammonton. Our community deserves an edge over the criminals and this is our advantage! Let’s keep Hammonton safe!
Interested local business owners can print the registry form from the Hammonton Police Department’s website (see link above). Completed forms need to ether hand delivered to the Hammonton Police Department, second floor police records room or mailed directly to: The Hammonton Police Department, 100 Central Avenue, Hammonton, NJ, 08037. Upon completion, the business owner will be issued their S.P.O.T. decal (as pictured above). If your registry form was submitted via mail, we will personally deliver your decal to your business. Once you are in possession of your decal, please be sure to place it in plain sight on your front window or door so that the public knows that you are registered with the S.P.O.T. program.
Thank you in advance for your support.
The Hammonton Police Department will be hosting a Prescription Drug collection Day. Future dates to come.
Hammonton residents are asked to bring unwanted prescription drugs on the collection date to be safely and properly disposed of.
All events will beheld at the Hammonton Police Department.
An officer will supervise the collection of those accepted medication items to be disposed of.
We will be accepting: Pills, Capsules, Patches, and Pet medication.
We WILL NOT be accepting: Syringes (needles), liquids, or Powders.