Atlantic County Office of Mosquito Control

To report a mosquito problem –> CLICK HERE <– or call the Atlantic County Office of Mosquito Control at 609-645-5948 during normal business hours. Visit for additional resources.

Mosquito Control officials remind residents of the importance of removing standing water from their properties, cleaning their gutters to eliminate potential mosquito breeding grounds and cutting high grass around their yards.

Mosquito Links

West Nile Virus Links

Ten Commandments of Mosquito Control

  1. Eliminate all standing water. Check your yard and eliminate all standing water in:
    • Roof gutters and rain barrels
    • Boats and birdbaths
    • Cans, bottles, and plastic bags
    • Flower pots and vases
    • Unused swimming and wading pools
    • Wheelbarrows and mortar tubs
    • Ornamental pools and fountains
    • Cellars and crawl spaces
    • Old tires and tire ruts.
  2. Flatten all types of open cans and containers or puncture holes in bottom
  3. Completely seal cesspools and screen all vents
  4. Clean clogged roof gutters and drain flat roofs so no water stays
  5. Cover all standing receptacles, such as rain barrels in rural areas with netting

New Jersey State Mosquito Control Commission

For more information about mosquito control, contact:

NJ State Mosquito Control Commission
c/o Office of Mosquito Control Coordination
Mail Code 501-03
P.O. Box 420
Trenton, NJ 08625-0420
Phone #: 609-292-3649
FAX #: 609-633-0650