Town-Wide Yard Sale
The town-wide yard sale is organized by the Hammonton Drug Alliance and the Hammonton Family Success Center. To register to be on the map, fill out and return the form below to the Hammonton Family Success Center. For more information call 609-567-2900. TownYardSaleRegistrationForm Facebook Event Link
Parks Commission Meeting
The Parks Commission meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm.
Joint Land Use Board Meeting
The Planning/Zoning Board meets every first and third Wednesday of the month.
Blueberry Crossing Fall Festival
Town Council Meeting
Agenda 09-26-2022
Hammonton Early Childhood Education Center-Back to School Night
Hammonton ECEC Facebook Page Hammonton ECEC Website
Historic Preservation Commission Meeting
The Historic Preservation Commission meets every fourth Wednesday at 7:00 pm. To check if the meeting is in-person or Zoom, email
WES Elementary School – Back to School Night
WES Facebook Page WES Website
Green Day Festival-CANCELED
Facebook Event Link
Hammonton Green Committee Meeting
The Hammonton Green Committee meets every first Monday of the month unless it falls on a holiday, in which case the meeting is held on Tuesday.